Creating Tasks

đź“‹ Overview

This is a basic guideline for creating and assigning tasks so that it is easy for everyone in the team to be coordinated.

✍ Steps to plan for next Milestone

List 3-5 writing principles that content designers should follow when writing this type of message.

1. Start with Epics

An epic is a big, sketchy, coarse-grained story. It is typically broken into several user stories over time—leveraging the user feedback on early prototypes and product increments. You can think of it as a headline and a placeholder for more detailed stories. Starting with epics allows you to sketch the product functionality without committing to the details. This is particularly helpful for describing new products and features: It allows you to capture the rough scope, and it buys you time to learn more about how to best address the needs of the users. It also reduces the time and effort required to integrate new insights. If you have many detailed stories in the product backlog, then it’s often tricky and time-consuming to relate feedback to the appropriate items and it carries the risk of introducing inconsistencies.

2. Break it down into User Stories

Write your stories so that they are easy to understand. Keep them simple and concise. Avoid confusing and ambiguous terms, and use active voice. Focus on what’s important, and leave out the rest. The template below puts the user or customer modelled as a persona into the story and makes its benefit explicit.

As ,....

I want…..

so that…. .

Use the template when it is helpful, but don’t feel obliged to always apply it.

3. Add Acceptance Criteria

List out the criteria that needs to be fulfilled for the task to be defined as done.

As you break epics into smaller stories, remember to add acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria complement the narrative: They allow you to describe the conditions that have to be fulfilled so that the story is done. The criteria enrich the story, they make it testable, and they ensure that the story can be demoed or released to the users and other stakeholders. As a rule of thumb, I like to use three to five acceptance criteria for detailed stories.

Leave the description blank
Elaborate in vague terms
List out actionable items for the tasks
The A.C must be testable by the reviewer
This is be the ultimate definition of done.

4. Give updates in Comment Section

Utilize the comment section to give updates on the tasks that have been assigned to you. The reporter or reviewer of the task must provide feedback accordingly.

Complete the task but leave the card as it is.
Give no updates of task completion whatsoever.
When the task is completed, shift it to completed and tag the reporter for task review.
If the task fulfills all A.C, the reporter should close the task.
If some A.C, are not fulfilled, give feedback in the comment section and move it to “In Progress”.

đź’ˇ Tips and tricks

This above format is the standard way of creating tasks, but you are not obliged to do so for every small tasks. Here are a few tips for the smaller tasks:

  • Make the task title actionable, mention what’s needed or what needs to be fixed.
  • Add detailed task description, acceptance criteria is always helpful for the assignee.
  • Add screenshots and files relevant to the task.

#Monday Workspace