Firmware Terminology

See official ZMK documentation

A bootloader is an application used to update/upgrade system software without the intervention of specialized firmware upgrade tools
In the context for keyboards - we use a bootloader to flash our application software (firmware) in the flash memory of our Nordic NRF52840 microcontroller.
Refers to one of the three keymap settings, or the hardware-software arrangement.
ie: Default, M1, M2 layouts
Refers to the two user-activated keymaps using meta keys (triangle and square symbol).
They can be referred to as raising, or lowering the layer.
Without F-keys, a user would hold down a meta key to access the F-keys from the number keys by default.
OTA (Stabs)
A keyboard part that is placed next to the switches for larger keys, such as the spacebar, to prevent the keycap from wobbling when pressed. Keys that are 2u or larger use stabilizers.
Microcontroller or MCU
See reference [here]
Human Input Devices
Refers to any device that takes input from a person, and can produce output for humans to interpet.
Defines the PCB that includes the MCU. 
A shield is a PCB or hardwired set of components that when combined with a MCU is a complete usable keyboard.

More #Internal Terminology