How to update this wiki

Getting Started

Documentation should be clear, concise, and easy to comprehend.

Read the Writing Conventions# to get started.

Make changes to the wiki

You have two options:

A: Create a Pull Request on Github

  1. Create a GitHub account if you do not already have one. You will need this in order to edit this Zettelkasten. Your GitHub will also allow us to give you the necessary rights in the future.

  2. In order to edit a zettel, go to, select a note from the list and click “edit”:

    1. It will you allow you to make the edits, and create what is known as a “PR” (pull request).
    2. See complete walkthrough of this process here.
  3. When a PR is created /u/laujonat will “accept” it.

  4. Once accepted, the site is updated within a minute.

If you are a frequent editor, we can even give you access, so that step 3 & 4 are obviated.


Using the web interface is the preferred way to make changes.

Before you start, please read Github for instructions on how to join our Github organization.

Reach out to @jon on Slack to join the organization.


  1. Click the edit icon on the bottom left of the page body.

  1. Remember this step!!! Click on the cycle icon to get the latest changes. Click on the right-most icon (labeled 1 in screenshot) to sync the latest changes.

Failing to do so will prevent you from saving your changes due to conflicts with the changes in Github if the file had been changed.

  1. Saving your changes. Changes will be reflected within a few minutes and can be seen on after you save your changes.
Naming Files

Spaces will be encoded incorrectly when used for file names. For example Hello will produce, and will open the incorrect URL when editing.

Always use underscores.

Known Issues

Images will not display correctly when using Cerceau app.

See Issues on Github:

Try it

View Markdown Editor

Branching for developers

If you are unsure about your edits, you can view your edits at It is never a bad idea testing your edits using the develop branch.

# Example<branch-name>/index/edit)

# develop -**main**/index/edit)

# master -**master**/index/edit)


For developers using Git, you can view your changes at by pushing to main branch from the CLI.

#How-to guides