Our UX teams are the umbrella for research and UI design. The Design team works closely with Webdev on development and design of public facing sites and company technology. test
User Experience
Stage 1: Understand
- Define the user
- Define the brand
Stage 2: Research
- Usability testing
Stage 3: Analyze
- User personas
- Journey maps
- Building empathy
- Providing a common “big picture”
- Breaking down silos
- Bringing focus
- Revealing opportunities
- Leveraging the things you learned in
Stage 4: Design
See section UI Design
Stage 5: Launch
- User testing
- Beta launch
- Internal testing
Stage 6: Analyze (again)
- Where did our process go right? And why?
- Where did we struggle? And why?
- How are our users responding to the product?
- Did it solve their issues and pain points?
- Where can we improve the product?
- What lessons can we take away from this process for future products?
UI Design
- Site map
- User flow
- Mockups
- Images
- Icons
- Colors
Asset Managers
See Design Brief